Scheduled Castes & Education | ||
AUTHOR | BOOK | Price in Rs. |
S. K. Yadav | Education of Scheduled Castes | 225 |
Puran Singh | Problems of Education Among S. C. | 125 |
Krishna/Kumar | Impact of Education on S. C. in India | 80 |
Sinha | Education and Disadvantaged ( Study of S.C. & S.T) | 350 |
Nazima Rizvi | Source Material on Education of S. C. & S.T. | 700 |
Harijans & Untouchables | ||
AUTHOR | BOOK | Price in Rs. |
S. N. Srivastva | Harijan in Indian Society | 300 |
Lal/ Nahar | Extent of untouchability and Patterns of Discrimination | 125 |
Shri Ram Nikam | Destiny of Untouchables in India | 300 |
D. Venkateswar | Harijan Upper Class Conflicts | 300 |
Mumtaz Ali Khan | Identity Formation and Self Identity Among Harijan Elites | 325 |
Dr. Kshir Sagar | Untouchability in India | 250 |
B.Goswami | Untouchability (A Novel) | 95 |
V. Puspha | Poverty Alleviation & Rural Harijans | 425 |
James M. Freeman | Untouchable :An Indian Life History in India | 150 |
Jagjiwan Ram | Caste Challenges and Harijan Problems | 160 |
Reservation : Perspective & Issues | ||
AUTHOR | BOOK | Price in Rs. |
A. K. Vakil | Reservation Policy & Scheduled Caste | 150 |
V. Kirpal/Gupta | Equality through Reservation | 375 |
Singh/Sharma | Reservation Politics in India: Mandalisation of the Society | 240 |
Muthuswamy Brinda | Reservation & Concessions in Government Service | 350 |
O. P. Sharma | Reservation : A Gimmick | 135 |
Singh/Agarwal | Reservation Policy, Programmes & Issues | 250 |
Bajpai | Judicial Responds to the probems of the Reservation | 350 |
Oneil Biswas | Reservation legal Perspectives | 30 |
Chandra Mishra | Reservation Crisis in India | 150 |
Anirudh Prasad | Reservation Policy and Practice in India | 550 |
Madhusudhan Reddy | Reservation Policy in India | 180 |
Iswari Prasad | Reservation : Action of Social equality | 100 |
Shyam Singh | Reservation :Problems and Prospects | 275 |
S. P. Sharma | Reservation : Bane or Boon | 40 |
Dr. Matadin | Supreme Court on Reservation | 300 |
J. Mishra | Equality Vs Justice: The Problems of Reservation | 250 |
Atarilal/ Singh | Reservation Politics in India | 240 |
Mishra/Kaur | Reservation Policy and Personnel Selection | 275 |
Ravindra Bains | Reservation Policy and Anti Reservation | 500 |
H.S. Saxena | Safeguards for S.C & S.T. (Founding Father's View) | 550 |
Mandal Commission/Backward Classes & Reservation | ||
AUTHOR | BOOK | Price in Rs. |
Anirudh Prasad | Reservation Justice to Other Backward Classes | 600 |
Edited | Reservation for Backward Classes (Mandal Commission report of the Backward classes Commission 1980) | 250 |
S. R. Maheswari | The Mandal Commission and Mandalisation | 130 |
B. K. Roy Barman | Beyond Mandal and After Backward Classes in Perspective | 165 |
K. S. Yadav | Indian Unequal Citizens ( A Study of O.B.Cs) | 500 |
S. N. Singh | Reservation Policy for Backward Classes | 450 |
Dalit History and Roots | ||
AUTHOR | BOOK | Price in Rs. |
S. Dharma Theertha | History of Hindu Imperialism | 155 |
Sharad Patil | Dasa - Sudhra Slavery | 200 |
G. W. Briggs | The Chamars | 90 |
Sharma | The Chamar Artisans | 350 |
R. S. Sharma | Sudras in Ancient India | 295 |
Dr. Naval Viyogi | The Founders of Indus Valley Civilisation And their Later History | 300 |
D.D. Kosambi | Indian History | 175 |
D. N. Jha | Ancient India | 55 |
R. C. Jeloha | The Native Indians in Search of Identity | 200 |
S. K. Biswas | Hinduraj : Yesterday,Today & Tomorrow | 195 |
Nathuram Godse | May it Please your Honour | 40 |
Dr. Kancha Illaih | Why I Am Not A Hindu | 140 |
V. T. Rajshekar | Why Godse Killed Gandhi ? | 50 |
D. C. Ahir | Ashoka : The Great | 200 |
H. D. Sanklia | Ramayana : Myth and Reality | 24 |
Vincent A.Smith | Ashoka : The Buddhist Emperor of India | 50 |
D. C. Ahir | Dr. Ambedkar and Indian History | 50 |
TPH Chentavarty | Indegeneous India | 300 |
TPH Chentavarty | Dr. Ambedkar and Indian History | 500 |
J. R. Kamble | Persuit of Equality in Indian History | 200 |
D. D. Kosambi | Myth & Reality | 180 |
Dalits and Human Rights | ||
AUTHOR | BOOK | Price in Rs. |
Mumtaz Khan | Human Rights and the Dalits | 200 |
R. M. Pal | Human Rights of Dalit | 450 |
Henry Thiaharaj | Human Rights from the Dalit Perspective | 200 |
Dalit & Their Dimensions | ||
AUTHOR | BOOK | Price in Rs. |
Eleanor Zelliot | From Untouchable to Dalit | 225 |
V. Murlidharan | Educational Priorities and Dalit Society | 395 |
Mulk Raj Anand | An Anthology of Dalit Literature | 150 |
Dr. D. Ravi Prasad | Dalit Youth :A Sociological Study | 400 |
Walter Fernandes | The Emerging Dalit Identity | 110 |
Gail Omvedt | Dalit Vision | 75 |
Dr. Jose Kananaikil | Dalit Organisations :A Directory | 40 |
Dr. Sumanakshar | Who's Who of Dalit Writers in India | 500 |
A. K. Lal | Dalit in Action | 150 |