Caste & Class in India | ||
AUTHOR | BOOK | Price in Rs. |
H. Kotani | Caste System, Untouchability & The Depressed | 500 |
S. Jaiswal | Caste Origin, Function & Dimensions Of Change | 500 |
James Massey | Down Trodden | 150 |
Lancy Fernandes | The Fractured Civilisation :Caste Society in the Throes of Change | 120 |
Shyam Lal | From Higher Caste to Lower Caste | 300 |
K. Rathnaiah | Social Changes among Malas | 300 |
Chandel | Democratic Transformation of a Social Class | 110 |
K. L. Sharma | Caste & Class In India | 200 |
S.S. Aggarwal | Religion & Class Politics | 525 |
Prakash | Social Separatism S. C. & the Caste System | 475 |
C. J. Fuller | Caste Today | 195 |
Morton Klass | Caste : The Emergence of South Asian Social System | 180 |
K. L. Sharma | Caste Feudalism & Peasentry | 500 |
R. N. Arya | Caste System : Through History & Present Tasks | 20 |
R. B. Mishra | Caste & Class : Conflict in Rural Society | 300 |
Prof. P. M. Kalenda | Caste in Contemporary India | 276 |
Thomas Mathew | Caste & Class Dynamics | 150 |
Rajni Kothari | Caste in Indian Politics | 180 |
Ketkar S. K | The History of Caste | 50 |
Prakash/A.K. Sen | Hindu Caste & S. C. Children in Rural India | 150 |
Katti Padma Rao | Caste & Alternative Culture | 100 |
Dr. P. Ranjani Reddy | The Role of Dominant Castein Indian Politics | 175 |
S. K. Biswas | Towards a Caste less Society | 110 |
B. S. Moorthy | Depressed & Oppressed | 125 |
Pratap Aggarwal | Half way to Equality | 175 |
Pradyot Lal/Tara Nair | Caste Vs Caste | 95 |
I. P. Desia | Caste, Caste Conflit & Reservation | 100 |
Miscelleneous | ||
AUTHOR | BOOK | Price in Rs. |
Anand M.R. | An Anthology of Dalit Literature (Poems) | 150 |
Bandyopadhyay S. | Caste, Culture and Hegemony | 580 |
Dinkar | Swatantrata Sangram Mein Achuton Ka Yogdan | 350 |
Dr. Ajeet Jawed | Secular & Nationalist Jinnah | 400 |
Dr. Ambedkar | Why Go for Conversion | 5 |
Dr. L. N. Berwa | A Warning of Our Times United We Stand Divided We Fall | 125 |
Dr. Ram Nath | Dalit Muslim Unity Why and How ? | 25 |
Ed. Ambeth Rajan | My Bahujan Samaj Party | 25 |
Ghurye G.S. | Caste and Race in India | 225 |
Gorringe H. | Untouchable Citizens | 750 |
Gupta D. | Caste in Question | 550 |
H. D. Sanklia | Ramayana Myth or Reality | 10 |
J. N. Bhattacharya | Hindu Castes and Sects | 400 |
Jaffreldt Christope | The Hindu Nationalist Movement in India | 400 |
Justice G. N. Vaidya | Shahu Chhatrapti : A Ruler & A Revolutionary | 12 |
K. N. Panikkar | Culture & Consciousness in Modern India | 15 |
Kovena | Towards Emancipation | 40 |
Kumar V. | Dalit Assertion & Bahujan Samaj Party: A Perspective From Below | 50 |
M. S. Mishkaben | To Survive and to Prevail | 100 |
Michael S M | Dalits in Modern India | 395 |
Mohanty M. | Class, Caste, Gender | 395 |
Moon V. | Growing Up Untouchable in India | 350 |
Naronakar A.R | Untouchability and Caste System in India | 300 |
Omvedt S. | Dalits and the Democratic Revolution | 395 |
P. D. Madhew | Do we need a constitutional Review | 60 |
P. D. Mathew | Hinduism, Hindutva & Secularism | 150 |
P. D. Mathew | The National Commission for SC & ST | 20 |
Pai S. | Dalit Assertion and the Unfinished Democratic Revolution | 380 |
Philip Viegas | Encroached and Enslaved | 70 |
Prakash Louis | The Emerging Hindutva | 150 |
Prasad D.M.R. | Eradication of Caste and Birth of New Humanity | 500 |
Puri H.K. | Dalits: In Regional Context | 595 |
R. M. Pal | Protection of Human Rights (A Critique) | 150 |
S. K. Biswas | Pathos of Indian Marxism | 45 |
S. K. Biswas | Constitution Review & Disempowerment of the Bahujan | 20 |
Sangeeta Rao/ Nimesh | Constitutions Review A Conspiracy | 40 |
Seabrook J. | The No-Nonsence Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies | 140 |
Shah G. | Untouchability in Rural India | 295 |
Shah G. | Dalit Identity and Politics | 380 |
Shinde P.K. | Dalit and Human Right (Set of 3 Vols.) | 2500 |
Singh A.S. | Birsa Munda | 625 |
Thorat S. | Caste, Race and Discrimination | 675 |
Tiwari C. | Sudras in Manu | 50 |
V. T. Rajshekar | Indias Muslim Problem | 50 |
V. T. Rajshekar | Curse of Allah | 10 |
V. T. Rajshekar | Merrit My Foot | 10 |
V. T. Rajshekhar | Indias Intellectual Desert | 50 |
Velu Anna Malai | Sergeant and Major M.K. Gandhi | 20 |
Vishwanathan S. | Dalits in Dravidian Land | 300 |
Webster J.C.B. | Religion and Dalit Liberation: An Examination of Perspectives | 250 |
Dalit Christians | ||
AUTHOR | BOOK | Price in Rs. |
John C. B. Webster | The Dalit Christians : A History | 95 |
James Massey | Roots of Dalit History : Christianity, Theology and Spirituality | 65 |
John C. B. Webster | The Pastor to Dalits | 60 |
M. J. Antony | Dalit Rights | 100 |
James Massey | Dalit Solidarity | 50 |
James Massey | Dalits in India | 300 |
James Massey | Indigenous People : Dalits | 120 |
B. N. Banerjee | Struggle for Justice to Dalit Christians | 165 |
Dalit Revolution/Movement | ||
AUTHOR | BOOK | Price in Rs. |
Dr. Kshirsayar | Dalit Movements in India and Its Leaders | 550 |
Henry Thiagaraj | Asian Dalit Solidarity | 125 |
Gail Omvedt | Dalits & The Democratic Revolution Dr. Ambedkar & The Dalit Movement in Colonial India | 425 |
S. Pendse | Dalit Movement : Today | 100 |
James Massey | Dalit : 50 Years of Independence 1947-97 (Status, Growth & Development) | 280 |
Ramshray Roy | Dalit Development & Democracy | 380 |
S. M. Michael | Dalit in Modern India :Vision & Values | 450 |
Ashish Ghose | Dalit & Peasants : Role of Agricultural Credit In the Prosperity of SC | 595 |
Peter Robby | Dalit Movements and the meanings of Labour in India | 290 |
O. P. Sangwan | Dalit Society at the challenge of Development | 525 |
O. P. Sangwan | Social System and the Dalit Identity | 650 |
Ed. Ajit Murican | Perspective of Dalit Question & the Future of Dalit Politics | 40 |
Arjun Dhangla | Poisoned Bread (Translation from Modern Marathi Dalit Literature) | 165 |
V. T. Rajshekhar | Dalit Movement in India | 20 |
Dalit Women | ||
AUTHOR | BOOK | Price in Rs. |
P. G. Jogdand | Dalit Women : Issues & Perspective | 325 |
Leela Vishavnath | Social Mobility among S. C. Women | 350 |
Ram Sharma | Education of Women of S.C. & S.Ts | 350 |
Shukla Ghosh | Dalit Women | 300 |
M.J. Anthony | Women's rights | 45 |
P. Nirmala Bhai | Harijan Women in Independent India | 125 |
Jogan Shanker | Devdasi Cult | 250 |
A. K. Biswas | Sati : Saga of a Glory Practice | 25 |
P. C. Jain | Scheduled Caste Women | 300 |
Lalita Kabra | S. C. Girls : Educational Backward And Prospects | 225 |
B. B. Mathur | Women & Depresed Caste Population In India | 400 |
Shalini | Women Soliciting change | 60 |
Franco/Jyotisha | The Silicon Swing | 450 |
Dalit Autobiography & Dalit Literature | ||
AUTHOR | BOOK | Price in Rs. |
Laxman Mane | Upara : An Outsider | 100 |
Dr. D.R. Jatav | A Silent Soldier : An Autobiography | 160 |
Laxman Gaikwad | The Branded | 110 |
Balwant Singh | An Untouchable in I.A.S. | 250 |
Balwant Singh | Freedom to Struggle | 30 |
Mulk Raj Anand | An Anthology of Dalit Literature | 150 |
Changing Status of Scavanger's | ||
AUTHOR | BOOK | Price in Rs. |
Dr. Shyam Lal | Bhangi | 200 |
Bindsewar Pathak | Road To Freedom | 200 |
Dr. Shyam Lal | The Changing Bhangi's of India | 450 |
Rama Sharma | Scavenger in Indian Society | 350 |
B. N. Srivastava | Mannual Scavanging in India | 250 |
M. Z. Khan & Dassi | Road to Dignity | 120 |
Periyar & His Ideology | ||
AUTHOR | BOOK | Price in Rs. |
Periyar Pub. | Collected Work of Periyar Vol. I | 250 |
Periyar Pub. | Collected Work of Periyar Vol. II : An Anthology | 150 |
K. Veeramani | Periyar : Is There A God | 45 |
K. Veeramani | Religion and Society | 45 |
M. D. Gopalakrishnan | Periyar : Father of the Tamil Race | 40 |
K Veeramani | Periyar on Women Rights | 45 |
K Veeramani | Gods of Ingeorse : Periyar | 30 |
M. D. Gopalakrishnan | A Garland to Periyar | 45 |
Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule & His Philosophy | ||
AUTHOR | BOOK | Price in Rs. |
Dhananjay Keer | Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule | 300 |
T. Laxmi Shastri | Jyoti Rao Phule | 26 |
J. Govindrao Phule | Collected works of Phule Selections Vol. I | 29 |
J. Govindrao Phule | Collected works of Phule Selections Vol. 2 | 29 |
N. G. Pawar | Mahatma Jyoto Rao Phule | 400 |
Buddha & Buddhism | ||
AUTHOR | BOOK | Price in Rs. |
P. L. Narsu | Essence of Buddhism | 265 |
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar | The Buddha and his Dhamma | 100 |
Lal Mani Joshi | Disscerning the Buddha | 225 |
Sir Edwin Arnold | Light of Asia | 200 |
S. Subbanna | Modern Hindu Buddhist | 100 |
Parel & B. Silcare | Buddhism and Science | 250 |
S. K. Biswas | Buddhism : The Religion of Mohanjodaro Harappa Cities | 495 |
Kanai Lal Hazra | The Constitution of the Buddhist Sangha | 450 |
N. Ratanpala | Crime & Punishment in the Buddhist Tradition | 240 |
D.C. Ahir | Buddhism : 50 Years of Independence (1947-97 Status Growth & Development) | 280 |
Hackmann | Buddhism : As a Religion | 60 |
T. H. S. Tcherbatsky | Buddhist Logic (Vol. I & II) | 400 |
Nalinaksha Dutt | Buddhist Sects in India | 195 |
Ven. Dr. Medhanicar | The Great Buddhist Emperors of Asia | 100 |
F. Max Muller | The Dhammapada | 250 |
Dr. D. R. Jatava | The Humanism of Buddha | 400 |
Romesh C. Dutt | Civilisation in the Buddhist Age | 45 |
P. V. Bapat | 2500 years of Buddhism | 95 |
D.C. Ahir | How and Why Buddhism Declined in India ? | 30 |
D. C. Ahir | India's Debt to Buddism | 30 |
D. C. Ahir | Buddhism in Modern India | 250 |
D. C. Ahir | Heritage of Buddhism | 750 |
D. C. Ahir | Buddhist Shrines in India | 95 |
Shotaro Lida | Facets of Buddhism | 150 |
Narendra Wagle | Society at the time of Buddha | 300 |
Dr. L. Kenedi | Revival of Buddhism in Modern India |
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